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Access all importers and exporters for your chosen commodity. Search for specific companies' suppliers and buyers. Make data-driven decisions with comprehensive trade data.

Premium Access Plan

Unlock unlimited potential for your business

$ 79/commodity (excl vat)

Incredible value for serious traders

What you get:

  • Unlimited access to global trade data
  • Comprehensive company profiles
  • Advanced search filters and alerts
  • Priority support

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Select from 3833 commodities, including:

Incredible value: €0.27 per day for unlimited insights!

Customer Testimonials

Yannick Martens

Yannick Martens

Global Logistics Manager

Yusen Logistics

'Coreties has played a vital role in our mission to further grow our Transatlantic business. Their data technology and expert guidance have empowered us to streamline our business development set-up and increased efficiency markedly.'

Sarah Chen

Sarah Chen

Head of Procurement

Global Sourcing Solutions

'Coreties has revolutionized our supplier discovery process. We've found reliable partners in new markets, significantly expanding our product range.'

Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson

Export Strategy Director

EcoTrade Exports

'The market insights provided by Coreties have been invaluable. We've optimized our export strategy and seen a 30% increase in new business leads.'

Elena Rodriguez

Elena Rodriguez

International Trade Analyst

Innovative Imports Inc.

'Coreties' comprehensive data has allowed us to make informed decisions quickly. It's become an essential tool for our market expansion efforts.'

Recommended: Paid Plan

Best for serious traders and businesses

Get unlimited access to global trade data, advanced features, and priority support.

FeaturePublicFree Account
Paid (Recommended)
New buyer/supplier leadsLimitedTop 5Unlimited
Detailed company profilesBasicComprehensive
Searches per month150Unlimited
Contact informationLimitedFull details
Export/Import historyFull 12 months
Custom alerts
Advanced search filtersBasicAdvanced
Data exportsUnlimited
Priority support
PriceFreeFree$ 79/commodity (excl vat)

Why Upgrade?

Upgrading to our paid plan unlocks the full potential of Coreties, giving you unparalleled access to global trade opportunities and insights specific to your commodity.

  • Discover unlimited new buyer or supplier leads tailored to your commodity
  • Access comprehensive company profiles and verified contact information
  • Analyze real-time market trends and make data-driven decisions
  • Set up custom alerts for new opportunities or market changes
  • Export unlimited data for integration with your existing systems

How Coreties Empowers Your Business

Find New Partners

Discover verified buyers for your exports or reliable suppliers for your imports, specifically tailored to your commodity.

Market Insights

Stay ahead with real-time market trends, pricing data, and demand forecasts for your specific commodity.

Grow Your Business

Expand into new markets confidently with comprehensive trade data and competitor analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions