Search options

General search screenshot

General search

  • Enter any keyword to search the entire Bill of Lading (BL) database for shipments containing that term.
  • Download results instantly or view consolidated data on shippers, forwarders, and consignees.
  • Ideal for both specific and broad searches, providing a comprehensive overview of companies' operations, supply chains, and products.

Port to port search

  • Choose port combinations to identify companies active on specific trade lanes.
  • View new shippers, new relationships, and all shippers categorized by industry, production country, and more.
  • Access detailed company profiles, including website links and social media, to facilitate thorough research.
Port to port search screenshot
Geo search screenshot

Geo search

  • Draw a circle on the map to find activity within a specific geography.
  • Results show shipper volumes, forwarder control, and place of receipt by latitude and longitude.
  • Filter results by forwarder, carrier, type of cargo, and more to target suitable business opportunities.

Company search

  • Enter a company name for targeted information, including shipment data and company profiles.
  • Profiles feature executive summaries, commercial approach suggestions, and potential objections to enhance your sales strategy.
  • Ideal for in-depth research on specific companies.
Company search screenshot
Commodity search screenshot

Commodity search

  • Drill down into industry verticals and commodity groups quickly.
  • Filter by average weekly TEU and other criteria to find companies that match your logistics capabilities.
  • Useful for identifying both major companies like BMW and smaller local producers.

Company page

  • Each profile begins with an executive summary detailing the company's operations and commercial approach.
  • Get insights into trade lanes, carriers, forwarders, product shipment schedules, and more.
  • Use filters to refine results and download detailed information, ensuring you are fully prepared for outreach.
Company page screenshot