Published 2 May 2023

How Lower Shipping Volumes Affect Sales Reps for Freight Forwarders and Carriers

The global pandemic has caused a significant increase in shipping volumes across the world. But, as quick as this increase happened, it decreased significantly with the passing of the pandemic. With countries opening up again and warehouses and supplies still being full with stock for the first time in a while, freight forwarders and carries have seen demand steadily decreasing. This has impacted the revenue and profitability of freight forwarders and carriers, who rely on transporting goods from one place to another. But how does this affect the sales reps who work for these companies?

How Lower Shipping Volumes Affect Sales Reps for Freight Forwarders and Carriers image

The global pandemic has caused a significant increase in shipping volumes across the world. But, as quick as this increase happened, it decreased significantly with the passing of the pandemic. With countries opening up again and warehouses and supplies still being full with stock for the first time in a while, freight forwarders and carries have seen demand steadily decreasing. This has impacted the revenue and profitability of freight forwarders and carriers, who rely on transporting goods from one place to another. But how does this affect the sales reps who work for these companies? How can they cope with the challenges and opportunities that arise from lower shipping volumes? In this blog post, we will explore some of the effects of lower shipping volumes on sales reps for freight forwarders and carriers, and how they can use Coreties, a web-based platform that provides access to data from customs, to find new leads, monitor their clients' shipments, and grow their business.

Lower Shipping Volumes Mean Fewer Leads and More Competition

One of the most obvious effects of lower shipping volumes is that there are fewer potential customers for freight forwarders and carriers. This means that sales reps have to work harder to find new leads and convert them into clients. They also have to face more competition from other companies who are trying to capture the same market share. On team level this means even more pressure to reach commercial targets.

To overcome this challenge, sales reps need to have a clear understanding of their target market and their unique value proposition. They need to identify the pain points and needs of their prospects, and offer them solutions that are tailored to their specific situations. They also need to differentiate themselves from their competitors by highlighting their strengths and benefits.

One way to do this is by using Coreties, a web-based platform that provides access to data from customs.

Coreties allows sales reps to easily find potential customers who are importing or exporting goods in their region or industry. They can also see the volume, value, origin, destination, and frequency of their shipments, as well as their current service providers. This gives sales reps an edge over their competitors, who may not have access to this information.

Lower Shipping Volumes Mean Higher Customer Expectations and More Pressure

Another effect of lower shipping volumes is that customers have higher expectations and more pressure from their own stakeholders. They want faster, cheaper, and more reliable service from their freight forwarders and carriers. They also want more transparency and visibility into their shipments, as well as more flexibility and responsiveness in case of any issues or changes.

This means that sales reps have to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. They have to provide excellent customer service, communicate effectively, and deliver on their promises. They also have to anticipate and resolve any problems or complaints that may arise during the shipping process.

One way to do this is by using Customs data as it allows you to look at a real-time picture of the market and all that are active within your focus area.

It allows sales reps to monitor their clients' shipments in real time, and get alerts on any delays, discrepancies, or anomalies. They can also share this information with their clients via email or SMS, or through a customized dashboard. This gives sales reps more control and visibility over their shipments, and enables them to provide proactive and timely updates to their clients.

Lower Shipping Volumes Mean New Opportunities and More Innovation

A third effect of lower shipping volumes is that they create new opportunities and more innovation for freight forwarders and carriers. They force them to rethink their business models, strategies, and processes, and find new ways to add value and create competitive advantage. They also encourage them to explore new markets, segments, and niches that may have been overlooked or under served before.

This means that sales reps have to be more creative and adaptable. They have to look for new opportunities and trends in the market, and find ways to leverage them for their benefit. They also have to be more open-minded and willing to try new things, such as new technologies, platforms, or partnerships.

Coreties allows sales reps to discover new opportunities and trends in the market, such as emerging industries, products, or regions that are importing or exporting goods.

They can also use this approach to connect with other freight forwarders and carriers who are using the platform, and form strategic alliances or partnerships with them.


Lower shipping volumes have a significant impact on sales reps for freight forwarders and carriers.

They create challenges such as fewer leads, more competition, higher customer expectations, and more pressure. But they also create opportunities such as new markets, segments, niches, innovation, and differentiation.