preserved poultry Import/Export Data and Trade Insights

Comprehensive analysis of global preserved poultry trade, including top importers, exporters, shipping routes, and market trends.

Key Trade Analytics

Total TEU


Top Export Country

United States






Food, Beverage & Tobacco

HS6 Code: 020830

Meat and edible meat offal; of primates, fresh, chilled or frozen

$ 79
excl. tax

preserved poultry

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    • 0 imported something in the last 6 months
      • Get direct phone numbers for 0 of these recent importers
  • Get access to 1 exporters
    • 0 exported something in the last 6 months
      • Get direct phone numbers for 0 of these recent exporters
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What You'll Get

Importers of preserved poultry

Consignee Name
TEU (all time, for preserved-poultry)
TEU (last 6 months for preserved-poultry)
TEU (all time, all commodities)
Top Port of Loading
Top Port of Discharge
Company country
Company address
Company phone numbers
Company website
Buys most from country
Last Shipment Arrival
No results.

Full access includes Excel file with 1 rows of detailed data.

Exporters of preserved poultry

Shipper Name
TEU (all time, for preserved-poultry)
TEU (last 6 months for preserved-poultry)
TEU (all time, all commodities)
Top Port of Loading
Top Port of Discharge
Company country
Company address
Company phone numbers
Company website
Sells most to country
Last Shipment Arrival
No results.

Full access includes Excel file with 1 rows of detailed data.

Shipments of preserved poultry

Full access includes Excel file with detailed shipment data.

Recent Cargo Descriptions

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  • Sample cargo description 2...
  • Sample cargo description 3...

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